If you would list the three main start-up scenes in the world that produce more Unicorns (+1 Bn USD companies) than any other, you would probably mention Silicon Valley, Sweden, and Israel. So, for a start-up tech-company in Sweden, it makes perfect sense to visit one of these hubs to learn from their experiences. In the next week Covr is doing just that, and the reason? To make smarter decisions and better business in a global market!
In today’s interconnected world, networking is one of the primary skills you need to master. Both companies and business gurus talk more about collaboration than competition, and as a company, in a small market, you quickly need to expand your network on an international market. Covr is, therefore, taking a trip to Israel to exchange ideas, get inspiration and gain insight into how companies on similar, yet somewhat different, markets do things. The Swedish and Israeli market is similar in the sense that they both are too small for a company to make it on that market alone. As a start-up, you must see yourself as a global company from the start, but that also brings a lot of new obstacles and challenges. To then take the opportunity to learn from others in similar positions is nothing but a smart investment for your future business development.

Covr’s networking trip will hopefully generate ideas that will position the company for a rapid, and profitable expansion, as they are gearing up to bring their security solution to the global market. However, there’s a considerable difference between expanding globally with the experience others have already gained, or going at it alone, much like learning how to drive with or without a tutor. Preferably the earlier before the latter.
We look forward to hearing the tales and lessons learned, and above all to see them implemented, as Covr takes identity validation and digital security to the next level for individuals and companies around the globe.