Entries by Annika Englund

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PRESSMEDDELANDEN Published 27 november 2020 Synch har agerat legal rådgivare till CovR Security AB i samband med bolagets nyligen genomförda finansiering om ca 20 miljoner kronor.Patrik Malmberg, co-founder och CEO. ”Vi har sedan länge anlitat Synch för legal rådgivning avseende kapitalanskaffningar, kommersiella avtal, regulatoriska – och immaterialrättsliga frågor. Synchs kompetens och erfarenhet kombinerat med deras förståelse […]

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News and advice from Covr

A new license agreement with leading health organization Mitera The supply of digital health care is rapidly being brought into the app economy while at the same time, supporting a much higher degree of patient control. In light of this, we are delighted to disclose that Covr Security has entered into a partnership agreement with […]

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User-friendly multi-factor authentication with COVR

Digital payment and online banking are all about striking the right balance between customer convenience and security. People expect it to be easy, so a complicated authentication process will turn them away. Luckily, onboarding users with COVR’s Multi-Factor Authentication API is not a problem. With this API, they can authenticate their payment directly from their […]